Do not enroll in an EMT/AEMT course until you understand how your arrest and/or conviction may affect your ability to be certified as an EMT/AEMT. There are certain crimes for which EMT/AEMT certification may never be granted to applicants. There are other crimes which require applicants to wait up to five (5) years before applying for an EMT/AEMT certificate, and other crimes for which applicants may be granted delayed, probationary or unrestricted EMT/AEMT status. Full disclosure and official documentation are required with the EMT/AEMT application. ICEMA receives DOJ/FBI notification of the results through the Live Scan process. Please contact the ICEMA office if you have additional questions or concerns.
ICEMA Reference #1070 – EMT/AEMT Incident Investigation, Determination of Action, Notification, and Administrative Hearing Process.